Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Intrumentation
John Webster - Wiley Interscience, 1994
Comentário: uma coleção objetiva de quase 300 artigos cobrindo todos os aspectos dos dispositivos médicos e instrumentação em seis volumes, totalizando cerca de 3.000 páginas.
Aborda cada tema reunindo os conhecimentos de engenharia, física e computação aplicados aos problemas da medicina.
Algumas das muitas áreas cobertas incluem: anestesiologia; queimaduras; cardiologia; química clínica; terapia intensiva; dermatologia; odontologia; endocrinologia; genética; ginecologia; microbiologia; oncologia; farmacologia; psiquiatria; radiologia; cirurgia; e urologia.
Extraordinária fonte de referências para projetos de bioengenharia.
1 Activity instrumentation
2 Alloy, shape memory
3 Ambulatory monitoring
4 Analytical methods, automated
5 Anesthesia, computers in
6 Anesthesia, human factors in
7 Anesthesia, machines
8 Anesthetic, trace gas level
9 Anger camera
10 Anorectal manometry
11 Antibiotic susceptibility measurement
12 Arrhythmia analysis, automated
13 Arteries, elastic properties of
14 Artificial hip joints, metallic materials for
15 Atomic absorption analysis
16 Audiometry
17 Ballistocardiography
18 Biocompatibility overview: classes of materials
19 Bioelectrodes
20 Biofeedback
21 Bioheat transfer
22 Biological effects of ionizing radiation
23 Biological effects of non ionizing electromagnetic radiation
24 Biomaterials, an overview
25 Biomaterials, corrosion and wear of
26 Biomaterials for dentistry
27 Biomaterials, surface properties
28 Biomaterials, testing structural properties of
29 Biomachanics of exercise fitness
30 Biomedical engineering education
31 Biomedical engineering literature
32 Biotelemetry
33 Blind and visual impared, assistive devices for
34 Blood collection and processing
35 Blood gas measurement, transcutaneous
36 Blood pressure, automatic control of
37 Blood pressure measurement
38 Blood rheology
39 Bone cement, acrylic
40 Bone and teeth, properties of
41 Bone ununited fracture, electrical treatment of
42 Brachytherapy
43 Burn wound coverings
44 Capacitive sensors
45 Carbon dioxide analyzers
46 Carbon dioxide electrodes, arterial and transcutaneous
47 Cardiac accelerometer
48 Cardiac outuput, indicator dilution measurement of
49 Cardiac outuput, thermodilution measurement of
50 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
51 Cartilage and menisci, properties of
52 Cell counters, blood
53 Cell cultures, mammalian
54 Ceramics
55 Chemotherapy
56 Chromatography
57 Cine and photospots cameras
58 Clinical chemistry, applications of computers in
59 Cobalt-60 units for radiotherapy
60 Cochlear prostheses
61 Codes and regulations
62 Codes and regulations, radiation
63 Colorimetry
64 Colostomy, surgery and equipment
65 Colposcopy
66 Communication devices
67 Communicative disorders, computer applications for
68 Composite resins
69 Computed tomography
70 Computed tomography, single photon emission
71 Computers in the biomedical laboratory
72 Contact lens
73 Contraceptive devices
74 Coronary angioplasty
75 Cryosurgery
76 Cutaneous blood flow, laser doppler measurement of
77 Cystic fibrosis, sweat test
78 Cytology, automated
79 Defibrillators, electrical
80 Diferential counts, automated
81 Digital angiography
82 Digital radiography systems
83 Drug infusion systems
84 Echocardiography and doppler echocardiography
85 Electroanalgesia, systemic
86 Electrocardiographic monitors
87 Electrocardiography
88 Electrocardiography, computers in
89 Electrochemical sensors
90 Electroconvulsive therapy
91 Electroencephalogaphy: brain electrical activity
92 Electrogastrogram
93 Electromyography
94 Electroneurography: nerve conduction studies
95 Electron microscopy
96 Electrophoresis
97 Electroradiography
98 Electroretinography
99 Electrosurgical unit
100 Endoscopes
101 Environmental control units
102 Equipment acquisition
103 Equipment control program
104 Equipment maintenance, biomedical
105 Esophageal manometry
106 Evoked potentials
107 Exercise stress testing
108 Eye-movement measurement techniques
109 Fetal monitoring
110 Fiber optics in medicine
111 Fick technique
112 Flame photometry
113 Flowmeter, electromagnetic
114 Fluorimetry
115 Functional electrical stimulation
116 Gait analysis
117 Gas and vacuum systems, centrally piped medical
118 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
119 Genitourinary prostheses
120 Glucose sensors
121 Heart, total artificial
122 Heart-lung machines
123 Heart valve prosthesis
124 Heart valve prosthesis, in vitro flow dynamics
125 Heat and cold therapeutic
126 Hemodynamics
127 Home health care devices
128 Hospital information systems
129 Human factors in medical devices
130 Hydrocephalus, devices and instrumentation for
131 Hyperbaric medicine
132 Hyperbaric oxygenation
133 Hyperthermia, interstitial
134 Hyperthermia, systemic
135 Hyperthermia, ultrasonic
136 Image intensifiers
137 Immunologic sensitive field-effective transistors
138 Immunotherapy
139 Impedance cardiography
140 Impedance plethysmography
141 Incubators, infant
142 Intraortic balloon pump
143 Intrauterine surgical techniques
144 Ion-sensitive field-effect devices
145 Joints, biomechanics of
146 Kidney, artificial
147 Laryngeal prosthetic device
148 Laser scalpel
149 Laser surgery
150 Legal issues in medical computing
151 Legal liability in medical devices
152 Lenses, intraocular
153 Ligament and tendon, properties of
154 Linear accelerator, medical
155 Linear variable differential transformers
156 Lithotripsy
157 Liver transplantation
158 Lungs sounds
159 Magnetic resonance imaging
160 Mammography
161 Mass spectrometers in medical monitoring
162 Medical education, computers in
163 Medical engineering, societies and organizations
164 Medical physics, history of
165 Medical physics, literature
166 Medical records, computers in
167 Microbial detection systems
168 Mobility aids
169 Monitoring in anesthesia
170 Monitoring, hemodynamic
171 Monitoring, intracranial pressure
172 Monitoring, umbilical artery and vein
173 Monoclonal antibodies
174 Mumps programming language
175 Neonatal monitoring
176 Neuromuscular blockade, monitoring of
177 Neutron activation analysis
178 Neutron beam therapy
179 Nitrogen analyzers
180 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
181 Nuclear medicine, computers in
182 Nuclear medicine instrumentation
183 Nutrition, parenteral
184 Nystagmography
185 Obstetrics and ginecology, computers in
186 Ocular fundus reflectometry
187 Office automation systems
188 Optical sensors
189 Orthopedic devices, design of
190 Orthopedics, prosthesis fixation for
191 Oxygen analizers
192 Oxygen carriers, acellular
193 Oxygen sensors
194 Pacemakers
195 Pain relief using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tens)
196 Peripheral vascular noninvasive measurements
197 Phantom materials in radiology
198 Pharmacokinetics
199 Phonocardiography
200 Photography, medical
201 Physiological systems modeling
202 Piezoelectric sensors
203 Pneumotachometers
204 Polymeric materials
205 Porous materials
206 Positron emission tomography
207 Proton beam radiotherapy
208 Psyquiatry, computers in
209 Pulmonary function testing
210 Radiation dose planning, computer-aided
211 Radiation dosimetry for oncology
212 Radiation protection instrumentation
213 Radiation quantities and units
214 Radiation therapy simulator
215 Radionuclide production and radioactive decay
216 Radiopharmaceutical dosimetry
217 Radiotherapy accessories
218 Radiotherapy, heavy ion
219 Radiotherapy, treatment planning, optimization of
220 Recorders, graphic
221 Rehabilitation, computers in cognitive
222 Rehabilitation, muscle testing and therapeutic exercise in
223 Rehabilitation, orthotics for
224 Rehabilitation, prosthetics for
225 Renal transplant perfusion equipment
226 Respiratory mechanics
227 Safety program, hospital
228 Scoliosis, biomechanics of
229 Screen-film systems
230 Sexual instrumentation
231 Shock, treatment of
232 Skin, biomechanics of
233 Sleep studies, computer analysis of
234 Speech pattern analysis
235 Spinal cord stimulation
236 Spine, biomechanics of lumbar
237 Statistical methods
238 Sterilization
239 Stimulators, physiological
240 Strain gages
241 Temperature measurement in the clinical setting
242 Thermistors
243 Thermocouples
244 Thermography
245 Thermometry
246 Thermometry, diode
247 Tonometry, arterial
248 Tooth and jaw, biomechanics of
249 Tracer kinetics
250 Transport of the critically ill patient
251 Ultrasonic imaging
252 Ultraviolet radiation in medicine
253 Urodynamic measurements
254 Vascular prosthesis
255 Ventilators for anesthesiology
256 Ventilators, high frequency
257 Ventilatory monitoring
258 Ventricular conduction system, recording from
259 Visual fields testing
260 X-ray attenuation in matter
261 X-ray equipment design
262 X-ray quality control program
263 X-ray therapy equipment, low and medium energy
264 X-ray, production of